(How) Is technology really helping us learn? 

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Learning as a process comes in all shapes and sizes, given the types we can think of: online, professional, informal, micro, remote, hybrid, lifelong, collaborative, social emotional, cognitive, to name a few. What role is and can technology play to make the learning experience truly significant for our learners today?
Don’t miss out the opportunity to attend this event on January 16th at 9.30 am!
Click here to have access to the ZOOM link and register for this talk.
See you there!




Doutorando em Linguística Aplicada pela PUC-SP, Stephan Hughes é professor adjunto nos programas de pós-graduação em ensino de língua inglesa e formador de professores. Suas áreas de interesse incluem tecnologias da educação e uso das redes sociais como ferramentas de aprendizagem contínua.



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